..Was a headline in Saturday’s The Times magazine. This is the third article The Times has published this year (one was the front page leading article) about Facial Aesthetics, in particular the use of Botox and Fillers. The Journalist’s view is that the problems already being experienced by some patients who have had facial fillers is going to be the next big disaster following on form the recent PIP Breast Implant “scandal.” The articles cites: cheap dermal filler materials being imported from China, their availability without prescription, Poorly skilled/poorly trained folk administering the injections AND the fact that (surprisingly) you may be able to get fillers at your local dental practice.
In my view, the writing is on the wall and the media may well deliver a queue of Lesley Ash lookalikes to prove that these procedures can go wrong and disfigure folk. I have no firm opinion on whether Dentist’s should or should not offer dermal fillers, but I would just point out that if the media do run with this, then there is a possibility that some of the mud being thrown will stick to all providers of these services…
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Simon Hocken
Director of Coaching