Looking for ‘The One’?

Looking For The Right Associate or Trying To Find A Business Manager?

These days, in most parts of the UK, it’s relatively easy to find dentists or therapists looking for work or skilled managers who are interested in working for a dental practice. In fact, in some areas an associate ad will attract more than 100 applicants and a business manager ad 30 or so. The problem for the over-worked principal is to make an informed choice from all these candidates. You may get lucky in finding Mr/Ms Right, by having a nice chat with them and showing then round your practice. Most typically, recruitment and interviewing is a detailed process that takes skill (and time) to sift and identify the right person for the role – so how can you choose the “right’ one?

In answer to this, at Breathe we have created a format we call Breathe Selection to help you select the candidate for the role from your short list. What can you expect from this:

  • Clear identification of the skills and behaviours you require for the role
  • A review of the CVs of the candidates in your short list
  • A Breathe Selection Day, where we will interview your short-listed candidates and ask the right questions to help to ascertain whether they have the skills you require and (most importantly) how they will perform
  • A set of psychometric profiling and testing applicable to the role, to help confirm your (and our) conclusions about each candidate

For the final one or two potential candidates, we will recommend further “tests” in practical terms for you to carry out to ascertain whether Mr/Ms Right can do the job before you make the offer

If you would like to know more about the right recruitment process for you, or some help in Selection, then please contact me on:
t: 0845 299 7209

Best wishes,

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