Good signage, in marketing terms, will probably provide your practice with the best return on investment, and in areas that conspire against prominent signage, building wraps can transform your new patient numbers overnight (these are temporary canvas or plastic banners wrapped around the outside of the building, delivering huge visual impact to passers-by).
It’s helpful to think of your building as a constantly changing canvass and you shouldn’t be frightened about bringing it alive at different times of the year in line with your promotions or events like the Easter and Christmas holidays.
However, once your patients have crossed the threshold and entered a surgery in your practice, have you thought about how your use of space and décor serves your business?
This photo shows how easily you can transform the feel of a small, cramped surgery into an open, expansive space with just a little imagination.

London Eye surgery interior
In this case it’s a pretend window view of London Eye and Parliament completely covering one wall. It completely changes the mood, and if you’ve got a nervous child or adult walking into the surgery, trust me, it will stick in their mind (precisely because it takes their mind off the dentistry).
And imagine what the effect would be if you changed the image every six months, taking your patients on a voyage around the world at each check-up… If you’d like to discuss more exciting interior design ideas for your practice, get in touch.
m. 07860 672727