How to avoid nasty surprises at work


Wow, what a week! No one saw that political bloodbath coming, least of all the journalists, who could barely contain themselves.

One of the best moments may have been at 8.15 on Friday morning when, with morbid fascination, BBC political editor Nick Robinson whispered on Radio 4 that Ed Balls was about to lose his seat, seconds before the official ballot count came in.

It really felt like you were listening to history as Balls joined the long and shocking list of electoral firing squad victims.

Then the inevitable soul searching began, and with it came a breathtakingly unsporting analysis from some entrenched Labour supporters – especially on Twitter.

Angry tweets complained that all the nasty people who voted Tory should be ashamed of themselves for keeping their inclinations secret. If they really felt so Tory, then why hadn’t they said something?

Perhaps the answer was in the question… If you bully and ridicule people they won’t bother telling you when you’ve got things wrong.

In business this problem is so common, and once the stage has been set it can seem hard to go back and build trust with a team that you’ve alienated. But it’s never too late to learn how to communicate, and never too early to avoid nasty surprises.

The first part is about building trust by opening safe lines of communication. If trust has broken down in your business I can help you rebuild it, just drop me a line on 07990 568909

Best wishes,


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